ACT Conference
The ACT Conference is hosted by the Section. It will help lodges Adapt to face major challenges, Collaborate with their peers across the section, and eventually Thrive and become high performing. The leadership theory and pedagogical techniques employed in the course reflect the current best practices in teaching and learning as described in the appropriate literature.
Click here for more details and support materials.
National Leadership Seminar (NLS)
The National Leadership Seminar (NLS) is a weekend training seminar held in several locations around the country each year. It is focused on the skills and attributes of leadership development. Run by the Region Chief and his Advisers, it provides an in-depth look at leadership skills and techniques. You will learn how these skills can be applied in your role in the OA and in other aspects of your life. It is intended primarily to enhance the leadership skills of the Order of the Arrow’s key youth and adult members as they seek to improve their services to the Boy Scouts of America and the greater community. Near the end of the seminar, participants make a contract with themselves to apply the skills studied in the seminar on projects in their lodge, council, and community.
The NLS training is open to anyone seeking to hone their leadership skills applicable to Scouting as well as daily life
Click here for more details and how to register. Note that NLS and DYLC are normally held at the same time/site, so adult drivers can attend either DYLC or NLS.

Developing Youth Leadership Conference (DYLC)
The Developing Youth Leadership Conference will deepen an adviser’s capacity to develop youth leadership within the lodge and chapter. Conference topics will include fostering a growth mindset, promoting resilience, providing constructive feedback that leads to changes in youth behavior and creating a life-long coaching/mentoring relationship. Conference participants will gain insights necessary to successfully coach youth applying the leadership skills they gained during the National Leadership Seminar.
Adults age 21 and older are eligible to attend the Developing Youth Leadership Conference (DYLC) and do not necessarily need to have previously attended NLS but it is recommended. Adults who are currently or will soon hold a lodge-level or chapter-level adviser position are encouraged to attend DYLC.
Click here for more details and how to register. Note that DYLC and NLS are normally held at the same time/site, so adult drivers can attend either DYLC or NLS.
Conclave Training Initiative (CTI)
The purpose of the Conclave Training Initiative (CTI) is to provide at least one training session each year for sections to use to augment their own conclave training. CTI was created based on a goal from the 2003-2007 OA Strategic Plan calling for “…an initiative to enhance learning opportunities at section conclaves.”
Click here for more details and support materials.
Philmont OA Adviser Training Conference
The Philmont Order of the Arrow Adviser Conference is for any currently registered adult Arrowmen of the OA, including professional Scouters, who are eager to improve their units back home. While at the conference, participants can enjoy the many benefits of Philmont Scout Ranch and the Philmont Training Center.
The conference is tailored to address the specific needs of the participants, to share information from successful lodges across the nation, and to discuss possible solutions to some of the common challenges faced by many chapters and lodges. Our goals are to challenge, educate and inspire the participants and staff!
Click here for more details and how to register.
For more information about national trainings, or to ask a question, go to Training.