National AIA Transition Plan

The National Order of the Arrow Committee approved at the conclusion of 2022 an update to the Order’s American Indian policy that, beginning 1/1/2026, “any program involving American Indian traditions – such as dancing, costuming, drumming, crafts, and pow-wows – must be done in conjunction with a state or federally recognized tribe.” You can view […]
OA’s Mission, Vision and Purpose
The Order has changed its mission and purpose several times in the past 109 years, including this past summer
New Officer Handbooks

Changes have been made to the Order of the Arrow’s guidebooks. The Field Operations Guide was renamed the Field Operations Handbook, and the Guide for Officers and Advisers was renamed the Handbook for Officers and Advisers. These documents have been updated from “guides” to “handbooks” because they contain specific rules and requirements the national committee […]
NOAC 2024

NOAC 2024 will be held at the University of Colorado Boulder from July 29 to August 3, 2024! For more information, contact your lodge’s NOAC Champion or see the web site:
G4 Section Officers 2023-24
Congratulations to Berkeley Wasson (G4 Vice Chief), Ben Albrecht (G4 Chief) and Morgan Johnson (G4 Secretary), elected to lead Section G4 for 2023-2024. Here, with National Vice Chief Grant Kim (past G4 chief), far left, and National Chief Zach Grinvalsky, far right.
Welcome to Section G4
Tomorrow is Today! Our same 8 lodges are now in OA Section G4, part of the new Gateway Region. We’re excited to invite you to our Section Conclave, April 30-May 1, 2022. See prior post for details. Our officers can be reached at,,, along with and Our new Gateway Region […]
COVID Membership Allowances, 12/21/21
December 21, 2021: Update to Temporary Covid Policy Modifications Changed the Temporary Covid Policy Modifications: Virtual camping will no longer count towards OA eligibility and the previous camping requirement, which includes a long-term camp of five (5) consecutive nights, is reinstituted, effective January 1, 2022. Any virtual camping nights completed before January 1, 2022 may be […]
Momentum Resources
Momentum Updates The Momentum: Discover, Launch! and Spark! events were great. Registered participants can look back at the archives; Yes, you can still register: It was used to showcase and explain several operational updates, including: New Election Video Resources for Reemerging from COVID-19 Updated OA Event CORONAVIRUS guidance, (Virtual election, In person and virtual […]
COVID Membership Allowances, 1/10/21
Relaxed Long Term camping that counts to 5 nights for 2021.
2021 Leadership Promotions
Congratulations to Nick Morey, chosen as the SOUTHERN REGION CHIEF for the 2021 term. From Ma-Nu Lodge, Nick was the 2019 Ma-Nu Lodge Chief and our Section Chief for 2020 and 2020-2021. Elections for SR-8 Section Chief for the remainder of the 2021 term will be held via virtual COC call on Sunday, January 24th, […]